Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Doorway, Marie Fox, oil on canvas, figurative painting, art of women, figure drawing, painting women, figurative art, woman in bathing suit,

The Doorway, oil on canvas, 18" x 24"
$450 plus $19 US shipping
SOLD to a collector in Oklahoma

I started by drawing in the figure with a deep purple color and eventually added blues, red and cream to describe the flesh. So there's a bit of all these colors still present. I wanted to create some interesting grays. As my artist friend Raymond Logan says: "Gray is your friend". Check out how he dazzles the eye with his clever use of grays, and warm/cool combinations.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

On The Sea Wall, sailboats, ocean, beach art, figurative painting, figure drawing, figurative art, paintings of women, woman in bathing suit, sailing

On The Sea Wall, 18" x 24", oil on canvas
$430 plus $15 US Shipping SOLD


I found this pose intriguing because of the twist in the body and the overall X- shape it created. Again, a woman by the ocean. Having lived on sailboats and grown up in a seacoast town, the ocean and boats are natural subject matter for me. The ocean has always given me a sense of 'beyond' so perhaps that's why I enjoy perching my women at the border of land and sea.

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Striped Towel, Woman on beach, figurative art, woman reading, female figure art, figurative painters

The Striped Towel, 18" x 24", oil on stretched canvas
$500 plus Free Shipping in US. International shipping available.  SOLD

One lesson I learned from the fabulous Matisse exhibit I saw in NYC a few years ago is to use a pose more than once. On display were multiple versions of a single pose done as drawings and paintings. I decided to try this with the girl in my Diving Board painting.