Sounds Of The Sea, Oil on canvas, 24" x 36" Not For Sale
Email: marie@mariefox.com
Click image to view larger.This painting won First Prize at The TAG Gallery Open Exhibition 2009
I loved painting this big (for me) canvas of figures. It was fun including some small still life scenes at the edges of the scene, and using essentially monochromatic colors. Somehow the idea came to me to paint the standing figure listening to the ocean in a shell. So I made the landscape out the window rural, suggesting that the sea is far away.
This is absolutely perfect!! I love this, the bodies are perfectly painted, i love your palette, composition, it's just perfect. Bravo.
I absolutely adore your figure paintings- this and "where we are" are amazing! I was wondering, what's your process for these big paintings? Do you go through many thumbnails and studies?
Yes, Ashley, I do go through many designs before I start the actual painting, then drastic changes after it's underway. It seems that I have to get the big ideas, or big shapes, down first, then create other shapes to counterbalance or animate them. Color is, for me, the most difficult element in that it's volatile. I chose that word because color is always changing depending on what's next to it, how much there is of it, if it's pure or grayed. I do like working big because I'm forced to commit to ideas - to continue until I learn if they work or not. Thanks for asking. Marie
Congratulations on all of your successes with this painting, Marie!
I love it!
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